WeFit: Design Research Project

Through this project, our group’s main goal was to examine the effect phone usage had on our participants’ mental and physical well being, specifically during the self quarantine period caused by COVID-19. Moreover, our primary finding was that under self-isolation, college students were experiencing insufficient levels of physical activity which in turn affected other facets of their life. In response to this challenge we created WeFit, a socially engaging fitness application for... Learn More

Ballot Box Protoype

In this research project we sought to understand what factors are at play when one decides to vote, and how their surroundings impact their ability, or lack thereof, to vote. By studying and working with students from across Cornell’s campus, we created Ballot Box, an effficient, prototype application that allows an individual to vote absentee with ease. Learn More

Older Adult Design: INFO 4400

Older adults are particularly at risk for social isolation, specifically because of their closing social network. As we age, the people around us age as well. From this information so far, it is clear this is a public health issue. In response to this problem, our team has developed a system called the The Collective Classroom (TTC). TCC is a program that provides educational opportunities to older adults regardless of socio-economic status, or prior education, and facilitates...Learn More

Vibrosense: Recognizing home activities

Smart homes of the future are envisioned to have the ability to recognize many types of home activities such as running a washing machine, flushing the toilet, and using a microwave. In this paper, we present a new sensing technology, VibroSense, which is able to recognize 18 different types of activities throughout a house by observing structural vibration patterns on a wall or ceiling using a... Learn More

BodyTrak: Inferring Full-body Poses from Body Silhouettes using a Wristband

In this paper, we present BodyTrak, the first smart wristband that can estimate the full body poses in 3D. It uses miniature cameras mounted on the wrist to capture the body silhouettes, which are learned by a customized deep learning model to estimate the 3D positions of 14 joints on arms, legs, torso, and head. We conducted a user study with 9 participants in which each participant performed 12 daily activities such as walking, sitting, or exercising, in varying scenarios (wearing different clothes, outdoors/indoors). The results show that our system can infer the full body pose (3D positions of 14 joints) with an average error of 6.89 cm and 6.34 cm, using just one camera and four cameras mounted on the wrist respectively. Based on the results... Learn More

ICTs for Displaced Populations

By the end of 2019, there were nearly 79.5 million individuals displaced worldwide. Whether it be a result of civil conflict, religious persecution, or natural disaster displaced persons face a vast amount of challenges in their pursuit for safety and stability. When these individuals integrate into a host community they face additional challenges such as cultural barriers, mistrust, and... Learn More

Immersive Environments

To continue practice using 3D Modeling and XR applications, I prototyped an interactive VR environment using the A Frame framework. The concept behind the application is inspired by the previous protoype where users can select a country, then be transported to that specific location. The benefits of this prototype can be used for commercial purposes where users can customize their VR experience by uploading images of their past trips to relive the adventure. In addition, this concept can be used in clinical setting for individuals with cognitive impairments helping them with memory recall of certain events in their life. Learn More

Destination Mapping

To practice using 3D Modeling, I prototyped an AR environment for the application my housemate, Sam, is currently working on. His application allows the user to choose pins, and place pins around the globe of where the user traveled to, along with entering supplemental information about the trip. After I conducted brief research about 3D modeling tools, I decided to use Vectary, as it was the most intuitive out of the existing AR prototyping tools... Learn More